Adger Vanishing Fabric Marker Pen (Twin – Purple & Pink)


This Adger vanishing pen comes with 2 different types of ink: a quickly vanishing pink and a slowly vanishing purple.

The line gradually fades away over several hours/days depending on the type of fabric and eventually disappears completely. If necessary, marks can be removed more quickly with a damp cloth or by rinsing in cold water.

They both have a wider felt tip.

This pink marker vanishes quicker than the purple one. It will disappear within 0.5 – 7 days

The purple marker vanishes slower than the pink one. It will disappear within 1 – 14 days

The vanishing time varies depending on the level of ink penetration and writing conditions such as the material type and room conditions.

Important: Test on the material you use first. Remove the ink before ironing! 

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SKU: ADG01-003 Category: Tags: ,